Get, that, dirt off your shoulder

"What's meant for me will never miss me, and what misses me was never meant for me." 

Ever feel like your stuck? Like all your efforts are getting you nowhere? Feel like quitting? Like you're just not good enough to advance your career? Yeah, me too. Truth is I've felt super defeated lately. I love, love, love what I do. But trying to grow and expand your own business is hard, especially in the yoga industry these days. Yeah, sounds totally contradictory, right? You don't even know. I've been turned down numerous times for offering workshops in different cities, turned down from involvement in yoga festivals, retreat collaborations, I've felt restricted by personal situations that have occurred, turned down for brand ambassador partnerships, and the list goes on and on...all opportunities that would allow me to reach & teach more people, just simply spread the love further. 

I saw something last week that was the final push and sent me into a huge rut. I felt totally defeated. I told myself it was okay to feel what I was feeling for a bit. I let myself feel. Had talks. Some serious, way deep down soul searching happened. I meditated. And then I woke up. I had a few really powerful teaching moments at the studio where I was reminded of why I do what I do. To touch lives. To touch any lives I can. Whether it's offering relief by guiding people through just the physical movement of the practice, or more deeper healing through mindful breathing and meditation, or through taking the time after a class to listen to someone who has a list of incomprehensible struggles, someone who really needs to be heard and loved. I am right where I am. I'm right where I'm meant to be. Serving who I'm meant to serve. Teaching even just one person in this lifetime is the greatest dream come true, the highest opportunity of all. 

YOU are right where you're meant to be. If something misses you, it was never meant to be. YOU are doing exactly what you're meant to be doing right now. And that's more than enough. Whether it's your career, parenting, relationships, working on yourself. You're doing GREAT. More than great. Let yourself feel. Then pick yourself up, dust your shoulders off, and carry on, because you are moving mountains RIGHT. WHERE. YOU. ARE.