Sup Spring.

[insert inspiring Spring quote that quite frankly I didn't feel like looking up because I want to share less fluff and more of me] 

This was my view the first day of Spring last year. Today's view and feel is drastically different with heavy storms and gray skies that seem to be never-ending and my body and voice are tired from a lot of teaching lately and someone is currently screaming on the street outside my window and I just really want them to stop and I am sure they will soon when the cops inevitably come but in the meantime for the love of my meditation please stop and I just really really want to be in in the middle of the ocean right now with a glass of rose isolated in this magical paradise in the middle of the world.

OKAY, I'm done. Darn I have missed writing. You get to write whatever the hell you are feeling without trying to physically appear that you are still doing "awesome!" today. I am currently wearing an off-the shoulder (cause I'm trendy like that, but wait for it) bright blue sweat shirt that has a picture of an airbrushed siamese cat on it and my crazy hair looks as if I have just recently been electrocuted to the intensity level that my husband just laughed me when he popped in from work.

As a Yoga Teacher I spend a lot of time being "on." You create space to hold people up and when done with a full heart, that can require a lot of energy. I love every single moment I spend teaching but every now and then I need a day, like today, to turn off. My body and voice are tired and my mind feels heavy as hell today. A recent retreat opportunity that I was totally stoked for fell through. Another retreat has me struck with fear about filling sooner than later as a LOT was invested in it. A few other private teaching opportunities have fallen through the cracks and I've been contemplating a change but I have no clue which way to go. Change is scary, Risk is fucking terrifying. And both are taunting me today. Instead of hitching a ride on the "what-the-effing-hell-am-I-doing-with-my-life" or the "fresh-season-fresh-start-figure-out-all-of-your-goals-hopes-and-dreams-TODAY" train, I am choosing to stay on the platform, watching those trains cruise by. Today I choose simplicity. I choose to chill in my comfy creepy cat shirt with my electrocuted looking curls and if at least just for today, I'm allowing all of me to just simply be.