Digital Detox

 WHIRLWIND SUMMER. I have been going non-stop, literally, since May. I have been on 12 flights, to 4 countries, and led 3 Yoga Retreats with my new Moonbeam business in 3 different states, in 3 months. Whew, it actually exhausts me just typing that! This has been the most inspiring, rewarding, awakening summer of my entire life. It is also the hardest I have ever worked in my life...this girl is pooped. But gosh it's the best kind of tired there is- the kind of tired that follows growing your own business, seeing your dreams begin to bloom, touching lives.

I had planned to treat myself to the ocean this week after finishing my final summer retreat but I honestly can't bring myself to pack another bag. And so I feel this pull to disconnect right now. Here at home. To just be and to be at its SIMPLEST degree. To rest, relax, read, yoga, meditate. I have been craving another training but realized I have an abundance of studies to take me deeper right in front of me- piles of Mindfulness & Yoga books that are calling my name.

As I have spent a lot of time out in nature this summer, and teaching mindfulness to groups, I have become increasingly aware of my own habits, thoughts, and my desire to feel more awake. I spend WAY too much time on my phone, looking down instead of up- scrolling, just to scroll, literally for no reason at all except to avoid or distract. And when I do pick up my phone I often compare, judge, feel envy, wonder how to gain more followers just so that I can be doing this and that in that amazing location like that person is doing....and thus enters the anxiety spiral. That ain't healthy y'all. We waste SO much time on our phones- so many moments where we could instead be experiencing our actual lives or reading a book to fuel our knowledge. So this is me, peacing out for a bit, spending time disconnecting to reconnect, resting, recharging, re-centering....spending time to JUST BE, AND TO BE AT ITS SIMPLEST DEGREE.